
My Child Care Class-2 yr olds

there is a new kid in town(Zi'ar)that I want to show. they are all krazy!

These are my children I teach at the child care center (Thats right, I am the teacher)! They look cute but that can be decieving!! We have fun though! I will try and teach them all I know and can!


Waldron Family said...

How cute. Those little faces are so sweet. I know you will do a good job teaching them, you are so good with little children. I am thnakful you got a job and that you are doing so well at it. You can help others as you are being helped yourself.

Amanda said...

Well, that is a really cool job. I am sure that you will be great. Your kids look really cute too. I am sure you guys will have a lot of fun! How are you doing? hope to see you soon. Love Amanda