

Pictures say 1000 words! dan and I won a fishing pole at a car dealership and decided this weekend we would try it out. he also bought another one so I could try too! well we went down about 20 miles from our home and dan set everything up. I had it in my head that I don't think I was going to even get the sting out far enough, but I must have done something right. I casted the fishing pole out and bam...it was bit. I tried railing it in, but the string was getting snagged. so I started pulling the string in with my hands. and I got this amazing fish. WOW! I was so excited!!! it was my first time really ever catching one! I couldn't let it die though, so I let it go back into the water!!! I felt bad for the fishie!!

1 comment:

Waldron Family said...

I had no idea you were such a fisherwoman! Go Rach!!! You are so funny, not very many people would feel bad for the fishie. I am glad you do because that is what makes you so wonderful!